Electrical and computer engineers deal with many pressing challenges of our time, including the communication and control of digital information, and the generation and distribution of energy.
In the first two years of both programs, you’ll study design, math, digital systems, electronics, communication systems, computer architecture and software. In your upper years, you’ll focus on two of six cutting-edge specializations. The electrical and computer engineering (ECE) programs are housed within the same department, giving you access to 79 professors with expertise in both disciplines.
Areas of Focus
- Software & Computer Hardware
- Communications & Computer Networks
- Analog & Digital Electronics
- Communications, Signal Processing & Control
- Energy Systems & Electromagnetics
- Photonics, Quantum & Semiconductor Technologies
Sample PEY Co-op Employers
Intel Corporation
Rapyuta Robotics (Switzerland)
Sample Career Trajectories
Artificial Intelligence
Big Data
Computer Architecture
Medical Device Design
Sustainable Energy

Tania Albarghouth
Graduation Year:
PEY Co-op:
She worked at Microsoft in Seattle as well as IBM and Amazon in Toronto — all in software engineering roles.
Memorable Experience:
Tania and her friend designed a video game (in full hardware) in second year.
Fun Fact:
In addition to performing in the Lady Godiva Memorial Band, Skule talent shows and an a cappella group, Tania won a contest to write a new verse for a popular engineering song. Her verse, which highlights the drive of women in engineering, is painted on a mural in the Sandford Fleming Building on campus.
Current Job:
Tania works as a software engineer at Microsoft in Seattle.
“My time in ECE prepared me well for the complex problem-solving and on-the-fly learning required to be a software engineer. In particular, my courses and projects in algorithms and data structures, operating systems, and software design were extremely valuable.”
Electrical & Computer Engineering First-year Courses
Fall Term
(common to all Core 8 programs)
- Orientation to Engineering
- Engineering Strategies & Practice I
- Mechanics
- Engineering Chemistry & Materials Science
- Linear Algebra
- Calculus I
Winter Term
- Engineering Strategies & Practice II
- Computer Fundamentals
- Calculus
- Dynamics
- Electrical Fundamentals
- Intro to Electrical & Computer Engineering
Did you know?
Our ECE department is the highest-ranked and one of the largest in Canada. It’s also where multi-touch sensing technology was pioneered.